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frequently asked questions

one-on-one tutoring

Can my child bring in their homework to your tutoring sessions?

Yes, absolutely! If there’s something that they’re stuck on, and you’d like for us to help them, please bring it in with you and we will complete that first. If you would like for us to spend the entire hour working through homework, we can do that as well.


What do we do if my child doesn’t have homework?

If your child doesn’t have any homework to complete (do the happy dance!), we can spend the time looking at work ahead, reviewing concepts that have been difficult in the past, and practicing important grade-level and subject-matter skills. We LOVE it when we get to take a break from homework and focus on important skills that your student needs more practice with!


How do you know what my child is doing in their classroom?

Our tutors have years of classroom experience, so we know what they are learning and what they should already know. We also follow all of the LBUSD calendars and keep up-to-date with district unit exams.


How come I paid more for tutoring this month than I did last month?

We bill credit cards for the number of sessions planned for the month. Some months have more days than others, and some months have more weekdays than the previous month. If you added on a session to the previous month, that extra session will be billed the following month. For example, if you add on a session in January, it will appear on your February bill. 


I think there's a mistake on my bill. What should I do?

Although rare, we do sometimes have billing errors. If you catch it before we do, please email Kristen at so she can take a look at it. We gladly offer refunds for overcharges, which usually take 4-5 days to appear on your bank statement.


What is your policy regarding reschedules?

We understand that at times it is necessary to reschedule a scheduled tutoring appointment. If you provide notice of the reschedule before 9:00am on the day of the scheduled tutoring session, you can reschedule the tutoring session for a different day or time. The new session must take place by the end of the following month of the rescheduled tutoring session. If you provide notice of the reschedule after 9:00am on the day of the scheduled tutoring session, you will not be refunded, credited or allowed to reschedule the session.   


How do I reschedule a session that we are not able to attend?

If you need to reschedule your session for the week, please send written notification via text to 562-243-6488 or via email to, or via voicemail to 562-243-6488, in addition to contacting your tutor.


Should we plan on having our regularly-scheduled tutoring session if there is a school holiday (Labor Day, Memorial Day, President’s Day, etc)?

Yes, you should plan on keeping your scheduled session(s) even if it falls on a day that your student does not have school. This usually applies to Mondays. If you would like to reschedule your session for another day during the week, just let your tutor know so you can find a make-up time.


When are we able to cancel our session(s) for the week?

We do not plan on working with students for the week of fall/Thanksgiving break, the weeks of winter/Christmas break, and the week of spring/Easter break. You may choose to cancel your weekly session(s) for an additional week of your choosing during the school year.


How do I terminate our tutoring services?

Kids Under Construction requires a 30 day written notification for termination of services. Please send written notification via text to 562-243-6488 or via email to, or via voicemail to 562-243-6488. 

group tutoring

How do your group workshops work?

After you fill out our online enrollment form, we’ll have a pretty good idea of what your student needs. We will keep their strengths and weaknesses in mind during our workshop, and we will provide the entire group with the support that they need to be successful in a group setting. All of the activities in our group workshops have a variety of difficulty levels and can easily be adjusted to accommodate a variety of learning abilities and interests.


How do we get started?

After you provide your email address (online), you will receive your enrollment documents via email. Once we receive your workshop selection and payment, you are ready to go. We will contact you if we have additional questions.


What happens during a workshop?

We spend a few moments at the beginning of every workshop getting to know students and finding out what they already know. We then dive right into our activities for the day, which involve a variety of independent, partner, and group activities. We make sure that our work is hands-on, appropriate for all of the students in the workshop, and meaningful for students. In other words, your students will move, work with their hands, work alone and with others, and will be able to comeplete all activities with little or no assistance. 


How does your homework club work?

After you fill out our online enrollment form, we’ll be able to pinpoint what homework they will need the most help with. For the homework club, they can bring in unfinished classwork, work that needs to be corrected, and any notes that the teacher has sent home. We make sure that the room is quiet so that students can focus on their work. We do our best to look over all of the work completed during homework club. 


What does my student need to bring with them for homework club?

They can bring in unfinished classwork, work that needs to be corrected, and any notes that the teacher has sent home. If they need textbooks or special supplies, please bring that in as well. In our studio, we have pencils, pens, colored pencils, markers, lined paper, blank paper, stickers, glue, scissors, glue sticks, and construction paper that the students may use. 


What do we do if my child doesn’t have homework?

If your child doesn’t have any homework to complete (do the happy dance!), we can spend the time looking at work ahead, reviewing concepts that have been difficult in the past, and practicing important grade-level and subject-matter skills. We will always have appropriate activities for them to complete independently.


What do you charge for your group workshops?

The cost of each workshop varies depending on the length of the workshop and the materials needed. The tuition price of the workshop includes a non-refundable $25 enrollment fee, an instructional fee (hourly rate), and a materials fee (varies per workshop). Our homework club is $25 per hour. 


How do I have to pay for a workshop?

You may pay for a workshop until 24 hours before the start of the workshop.


Will our workshop be rescheduled?

Kids Under Construction reserves the right to cancel a workshop if there are only two students registered 24 hours prior to the scheduled start time the workshop. We will run a workshop with as few as three students, and with as many as 8 students. If a workshop is cancelled, you will be refunded 100% of your tuition.


Do you prorate your group workshops?

Unfortunately, we are not able to prorate our workshops at this time. 


kids under construction tutoring

kids under construction tutoring

5520 E 2nd Street, Suite K, Long Beach, CA 90803                                                                  562-999-2582

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