Homework Club is open to students in grades 1-8 and meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:30-5:00p in our office. Homework Club starts on September 17, 2024, and will run weekly following the LBUSD school calendar. We can accommodate up to 8 students. During this time, students are invited to bring their homework and unfinished classwork to complete independently. They may also bring in silent reading books, math facts, flashcards, or any other nightly tasks that teachers have assigned. Our Homework Club tutor will answer questions, offer manipulatives or examples to help students understand concepts, and let parents know what has been completed and checked, as well as what may still need to be finished at home.
Tuition for our Homework Club is $15 per 90-minute session and is billed monthly on the first of the month. Monthly tuition is due upon enrollment and must be paid online. Drop-in sessions are $20 and may be available depending on the daily enrollment. Tuition will be billed monthly, on the first of the month, until 30 days notice has been provided. No refunds are given, so please check your schedule before enrolling. We do not offer prorated tuition. Tuition payments are not accepted by tutors in our office. ​
HOMEWORK CLUB cancellation
Kids Under Construction reserves the right to cancel a Homework Club if there are only two students registered 72 hours prior to the scheduled start time the Homework Club. We will run a Homework Club with as few as three students, and with as many as 8 students. If a monthly Homework Club is cancelled, you will be refunded 100% of your tuition. ​​​
frequently asked questions
How do we sign up for your homework club?
If you are already working with one of our tutors and have a family portal set up with us, we can add your child into the club on our end. Email Kristen at kristen@kidsunderconstruction.com and let us know if they will join us on Tuesdays, Thursdays, or both. We will send you an email confirmation upon enrollment. If you are not currently working with a tutor, and you have not created a family portal with us, you may fill out an enrollment form HERE.
Does my child need to attend both days of homework club, or may we just choose one?
Your child may attend one day or both!
What is the cost?
Homework Club is $15 per session if registered in advance and must be paid monthly on the first of the month. The drop-in fee per session is $20 and can be paid by cash or Venmo to @kidsunderconstruction upon arrival.
How many students can enroll in the homework club?
We will enroll up to 8 students each day.
What happens if we need to miss a day of homework club?
If your child needs to miss a day of homework club, they may come in for a make-up session the week before or the week after. There are no refunds for missed homework club days.
What if my child's teacher does not provide and/or assign homework?
At the elementary level, most teachers expect students to read daily and practice spelling words and/or math facts. At the middle school level, most teachers expect students to finish incomplete classwork, complete homework, and study lesson materials for future exams. If your child finishes all of their homework, and they have nothing to work ahead on, we have lots of fun academic games and activities that students may choose from.
What if my child does not have assigned homework from school that day?
If your child does not have homework, we're pretty good at finding things for them to do. Your child can read, practice math facts and/or spelling words, review classwork, work ahead on a project, or play one of the academic games in our office.
What if my child needs to complete an online task or assignment?
We have 2 iPads that your child may use for online tasks and assignments. They are also welcome to bring in their own devices. We have WiFi available for all students. If their assignment makes noise, or if sound-on video is required, please send them with a pair of headphones that they can use to minimize distractions for others.
What if my child does not bring in a book to read?
We have lots of books at all reading levels that students may borrow.
What if my child does not have math fact flashcards?
We have sets of math fact flashcards that students may borrow. We also have access to online games, as well as task cards and activities in our office.
How can my child practice their spelling words?
We can administer a practice test. Your child may also choose to complete one of our spelling tasks, such as building words with magnetic letters, writing acrostic poems, building words with Play-Doh, and completing a word search. We have lots of fun options!
Will you have time to work with my child independently?
After we get all students settled, we will monitor student assignments to determine where we can be the most helpful. Our goal is to spend one-on-one time with each student in the homework club at some point, even if it's just to look over work and offer feedback and encouragement.
Are you able to time my child on an activity?
Yes! We have timers that students may use independently, but we can also time them for activities like cold reading fluency.
Do you have supplies that my child can use for their homework?
We have basic supplies that students may need for homework, such as blank and lined paper, pencils, colored pencils, markers, glue, tape, stickers, and books.
How do we unenroll our child from the homework club?
To remove your child from the homework club, please provide 30 days notice by emailing kristen@kidsunderconstruction.com to let her know when your last day will be.